Pensions don't need to be scary.
Our pension service includes everything needed for auto-enrolment including authorising the payments for you.

Pensions service
Let us do the heavy lifting
Many employers see their legal responsibility to provide a pension for their employees as a daunting task considering the amount of work involved and the fines that are incurred by not complying.
Here at NannyPaye we completely remove all hassle of setting up and managing your pension scheme. We are always looking for new ways to save our clients money and in 2022 we launched our Salary Sacrifice Pension Service. If you pay your employee £206 per week or more then this could save you both money.
watch the video
NannyPaye and Nest
Automatic Enrolment to a pension scheme is a requirement for UK employers, this means every employer must provide a pension scheme for their employee(s) and enrol them into it if they qualify.
Our pension service is a simple solution to auto-enrolment for nanny employers and includes everything: setting up with a pension provider, sending all the regulatory letters to your nanny, and managing all the administration each month.
Pensions service
What we'll do for you
We provide a simple solution to auto-enrolment for nanny employers, we do everything for you, including:
Create a Nest pension scheme on your behalf
Assess your employees and send all statutory letters within the deadlines required and retain comprehensive records
Enrol all eligible employees into your pension scheme
Calculate pension contributions per pay period and display these on both your and your employee’s secure payslips
Submit all pension contribution calculations to NEST each pay period and direct debit the costs from your nominated bank account on your behalf within the deadlines
Manage your account with the Pensions Regulator, including completing and submitting your Declaration of Compliance
Manage any Opt-In or Opt-Out requests from your employees
Re-enrolling any eligible employees at each re-enrolment point
Manage your ongoing duties with the Pensions Regulator including completing your ‘Re-Declaration’ every three years
pension options
Salary sacrifice pensions
Historically NannyPaye has only offered one type of pension arrangement, however we have now developed a Salary Sacrifice pension, typically saving both you and your nanny money. A Salary Sacrifice is a government-backed scheme to help employers and their employees save on tax by effectively swapping part of their salary for another benefit, in this case pension contributions.
Employers paying their nanny in excess of £206.00 per week gross will save money under this scheme with a typical saving being over £100 for both the employer and employee. If you choose a Salary Sacrifice Pension then we also:
Check that the employer saving alone saves you more than the increase in fee for the enhanced pension service. If you are paying your employee over £206 a week gross this will be the case.
Check that the scheme does not drop your employees pay below the National Minimum Wage & move your payroll onto a gross basis should you have a net agreement with your employee.
E-mail to you a letter and information for you to provide to your Nanny so they can make an informed choice (as well as seeking their own guidance).
E-mail to you a letter to pass to your employee requesting permission to 'Sacrifice' some of the salary and illustrating the new taxable pay.
E-mail to you a letter for your employee to sign and pass to you confirming their agreement to the new salary.
Contact Nest to make the appropriate changes.
Keep it simple
Our pricing
Plus free Employment Legal advice to all our members is included as standard and provided by a qualified solicitor. Total cost for monthly payroll and pension service just £269.99 inc vat. The best value from an established provider.
Nanny Payroll
£199.99 yearly
Professional, established and reputable payroll service available for monthly, weekly, fortnightly or 4-weekly payroll calculating all deductions and additions including Income Tax & National Insurance for any pay date you choose.
Add Pensions
From £70 yearly
Our pensions service is available with a unique industry-first Salary Sacrifice option saving you and your nanny money. We have worked with the Pensions Regulator and NEST to be able to offer the most comprehensive package possible so you are in safe experienced hands.
Add Nanny Contract
£24.99 set fee
Fee per contract
Bespoke hand crafted contract of employment accompanied by a comprehensive handbook. Our contract is a great value one off option helping you make the best start with your new nanny.
NannyPaye PRO
£15 a month
Everything as in our standard payroll service, with addition of us making all the payments on your behalf. Quick and easy to add on to your package to take the stress out of payments
Build your package today
Request a callback from a payroll specialist

Why NannyPaye
How can we save you money?
Nanny shares
When two families share a nanny, by each having a seperate PAYE account and each paying the nanny and the taxes themselves there are thousands of pounds to be saved between the two employers.
Net pay pensions
If you stay on a net pay agreement when running a pension, by paying it all as Employer Contributions you save on National Insurances.
Short-term nanny
If you employ a short term nanny then you are very likely to save National Insurance if you pay them monthly rather than weekly.
Why NannyPaye
You’re in great hands
Our fully inclusive service also comes with an award-winning team and company ethos. We go above and beyond our competitors and are proud of it.
We have a loyal base of happy customers using our nanny tax service and reassuringly healthy limited company balance sheet. As an established nanny tax provider we are able to give our customers an exceptional level of service all backed up by our strong proven reputation.

Ready to join us?
NannyPaye support
Help and resources centre
We have an extensive library of advice and resources for every eventuality. Browse by sections: Employer, Nanny or General of search for anything. We constantly adding to and updating our library to keep all information relevant and up to date.

Advice for nannies
Hey Nannies! This bit is for you. This section is here to guide you through all of the jargon and processes that you may come across and need help with. Nannying is about more that 'just' the unconditional love that you share with your charges.

Advice for employers
Hiring a nanny isn't all about taxes, it is about leaving your children in the care of a professional. That said, there are some things that you need to consider as an Employer. This section has useful advice and guidance to help you.

Getting started
When you are starting out on your journey as an Employer, this section will answer all of your basic questions and guide you through what may seem like a scary time. Don't forget NannyPaye takes care of all of this for you.

General legislation
Here we explain all of the tricky legislation that you may come across as an Employer of a nanny, without all of the confusing jargon that you will find on the Government website. Don't forget at NannyPaye we handle all of this for you.